Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Birthday My Dearest Hubby

I dedicate this day to my dearest hubby, Gerald for it is his Birthday today.

For my hubby:

Here's a little birthday card that I created for you, a card that you can keep in your laptop & your Palm..... on this special day, you still got wishes from me inKL... Just a few more days, we can be together again (^-^)

Please click here for layouts & credits

Getting you a present that is not too expensive is really hard since all the stuff on your wish list are too expensive for me to get. In the end, I bought you this birthday gift, a gift that is very practical for you & you sure will use it.

So..... here's your birthday gift, my dear hubby .... a gift that you can open now but only get it when you're back in KL *LOL*....

Please click here for layouts & credits

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you again .... Love you always


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!! And the card surely looks wonderful...great job..and was great reading your post...and well for some more stuff on birthdays do visit my blog on Birthday Celebrations sometimes and check out all that i've posted there!!!

jazzmint said...

happy bday to gerald...haha yah, why guys present always so exp

cairo's mommy said...

happy birthday Gerald. may the flask bring you much happiness... at least til your next birthday (cos by then u can ask for a porche oredi since HF damn rajin ppp everynite) kekeke