After a tiring day of shopping, the last day was a much refreshing itinerary I ever had on any holidays. I wake up very early for a much anticipated picnic session suggested by Woan Jiun & seconded by me, Jazzmint & Hui Shi. The down point is, we gotta get up at 7am so that we won't get burned by the hot tropical sunshine (it's hard to do coz we slept around 2am - 3am, busy preparing our picnic basket).
I make my all time favourite sandwich filing - the egg & sausage, simple but yummy (agreed by all) while WJ busy artistically cut out ham & cheese (so that it looks good for photos) while Jazz cut the bread into bite size.
Here's the picnic basket:

Clockwise from top right : lychee, strawberries, fried chicken, apples, cold chicken salad, egg & sausage sandwich fillings, mini cheese sausages, ham & cheese & bread.
Here's the one & only photo taken with my face in it *LOL* coz I m busy snapping away on the food & the rest of the gals....
Click here for credits
After a scrumptious breakfast, we head to another spot for some fun meant for the 2 lil girls but I love it so much.... It's bubbles ... well, I m not chasing it but creating the bubbles with the bubble maker WJ bought for Cairo. While not playing with bubbles, I continue to snap away the surrounding landscape coz it's very serene & beautiful.
The picnic spot? Lower Seletar Reservoir which is a few minutes away from WJ's place. This is my favourite landscape photo of the place.

yeah dat was a blast!
wei me n jazz spent a lot of time shredding the chicken u know! though i've found out (while doing the next picnic)that cutting is way faster n more hygienic also hahaha.
hmmm i love the scraps for this post also!
haha taste our sweat or not LOL...
cut faster kah???i thought shred faster.manual mah can adjust the speed hehe
i love the 2nd scrap...very nice
hey cheryl,
I'm going to do a test run on my oven. If it's ok then we'll discuss about your birthday cake ?
email me
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