*Backdated post*
It's been about 2 weeks after I came back from Singapore and only now I have the time to scrap & blog on my trip. On the 1st day, we went to the Singapore Zoo and we were there from 9am till 1.30pm.... (Yup, 4 hours there & we haven't really finished touring the zoo). Here's a brief touring of the zoo in photos ...

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Our 1st show is the Polar Bear Feeding Show at 10am (just in time) as shown here.

Up close with girafe during the feeding session.

Probosis Monkey, the older the monkey, the longer the nose they have.
Ah, a group of penguins.. too bad we missed the show.

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We ended the zoo tour with kangaroo. The kangaroo area is an enclosed house where they can roam freely whilte we walked.
Okay, that's my zoo tour with some animal highlights... It's late now & I shall go to sleep soon (after chatting with Gerald)... I can say this is the most productive night since the trip because I manage to do 3 scrap on the singapore trip.
my last trip there was around christmas 1996... wah!! almost 11 years. nice photos. last time i went alone. next time can go with wife... hehehe...
wah nice scrap..heheh...
aiyo gerald, next time go with ur anak oso lah :P
no la, next trip go HK la... more new stuff to see n shop hehehe.
Next time I also want to go for holiday with you.. you can help me jaga my kids.. hahahaha!!
But the zoo trip, really looks good ler.. I really must bring the girls there!
ZMM : Yes, it's far better than KL zoo. U can even have picnic there & they got the Children's Spot also for them to enjoy. Prepare for a whole day trip though...
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