Tagged by Jazzmint to write on food around the world. Well, since she wrote about Pancakes, I will write about Cakes.

Tagged by Jazzmint to write on food around the world. Well, since she wrote about Pancakes, I will write about Cakes.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
10:06 pm
A Gift from my Mother in Law
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
11:42 pm
I am really tired out but it was really great. Why so? This is because my parents-in-law are in KL now (reached 10pm) & will be leaving to Melbourne on 28.04.07. Besides that, we get to meet up Alan (Gerald's big bro) @ KLIA because he need to pass something to MIL & FIL. Alan just came back from Melbourne & am transiting to Kota Kinabalu.
So, a small gathering session for Tina (Gerald eldest sis) & Alan because they haven't meet up for almost 2 years (since my wedding). We had our supper plus chat session in Burger King from 10.35pm till 12.15am. Too bad that I didn't bring my camera coz that is really a moment to capture & framed up. It will be super perfect if Gerald were there.....
Ooo, for my hubby to know : I drove the camry from KLIA back to Cheras & I feel it slow even it's already 110 km/h. Smoooooth is my word. Everyone was so tired, especially Tina. And.... your keropok are here (^-^) with me now.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
2:10 am
Labels: Cheryl
Mickey. Minnie & Goofy starting the shows
At the reef
Bruce with Dory & Marlin
Bubbles in the aquarium
Nemo sucked in the filter system
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
10:51 am
Labels: Cheryl
Well, it's soon to be our 2nd wedding anniversary. Time flies when we are having joyful days & I have not scrap or post any of my wedding photos before.
Last night manage to put up some photos @ slides.com to give my site some new look. Will scrap some photos to post on our anniversary soon. Hope my artistic sense will not goes on holiday *LOL*
Those that you sees at the side bar is actually my wedding day photo taken in Sutera Harbour Resort in KK after my church wedding & also before the dinner.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
9:53 am
Labels: Gerald Cheryl
I went to have my quarterly haircut on last Saturday with Florence & her mother in law @ Shunji. Went in with long fringe & long hair, came out with extremely short fringe & not so long hair.... I look funny, though....
Why sudden change? My head has been complaining on the weight of my hair & to the extreme till my hair falls alot. So, decided to give the fringe some holiday & get healthy *LOL*
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
9:32 am
Roast chicken nicely served on top a bed of bean sprout and cucumber.
The special ginger sauce that I can't get enuf of, always asks for more.
And all this is only for RM 3.50. Can you believe it? It's so cheap , right. Where can you get a decent serving of chicken rice with this price? So, where is the shop? It is at the last row of shop after Maybank & Southern Bank. It is next to a lighting shop, facing opposite the IOI business Park. It's just a small stall run by an old couple.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
11:21 am
Wah, kena tag by Jasmine..... Can say this is my first tag that I written ;)
Layer 1: On the outside
Name: Leong Huey Fong / Cheryl . My friends from school times knows me as Huey Fong, in Uni time, Wai Fong (Cantonese) and after that, Cheryl
Date of Birth: 27.08.1978
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black
Righty or Leftie: Righty - that also my handwritting not vy nice :S
Layer 2: On the inside
Your Heritage: Cantonese
Fears: Cats (dunno y lar) & nightmares (most also not the scarry type)
Your Weakness: Too soft hearted but trying to overcome tat now
Your Perfect Pizza: Lots of pineapple top with lots of cheese and also ham....
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first thing when you wake up: Aik, overslept. Have to postponed car service to tomorrow :S
Your bedtime: depends on if I am chatting with my hubby (Doha time zone), 10pm - 3.30am
Your most missed moment: having my hubby next to me
Layer 4: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi Twist
McD or BK: BK, only like the Mushroom Swiss coz got lots of melted cheese
Single or Group dates: same as Kwai Fun, internet date also :p
Adidas or Nike: Both
Tea or nestea: definately not nestea....
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappucino or coffee: neither…i can’t drink much, will get gastric if I drink it
Layer 5: Do you
Smoke: No but working in smoking enviroment *LOL*
Curse: No (cannot stand it) but when extremely mad, will use in chatting but limited to 1 word only*LOL*
Take a shower: Yes & love every moment of it, esp if I got a bath tub
Have a crush: Yes
Think that you’ve been in love: Yes and still much in love .....
Go to school: not really, pending my MSc though...
Want to get married: Already married
Believe in yourself: Yes
Think you’re a health freak: Nope, I can't even make myself to eat multivits & other supplements
Layer Six: In the past month
Drank alcohol: Yes
Gone to the mall: Yes, bought lots of stuff on Jcard day
Been on stage: Nope
Eaten sushi: Nope
Dyed your hair: Nope
Layer Seven: Have you ever
Played a stripping game: Nope
Changed who you were to fit in: Nope & never will unless the bad habit lar - if any
Layer Eight: Age
You are hoping to be married: before 27 and I did married that year....
Layer Nine: In a Guy
Best Eye Colour: Any , as long as he is good to me
Hair Colour: Any
Short Hair or Long Hair: Hmm, as long as he looks good but not too long lar. It only looks good in animation :p
Layer Ten: What were you doing
1 Min ago: Writing my first tag…..
1 Hour ago: Chatting online
1 Month ago: Should be out with frens
1 Year ago: : So long ago, cannot remember leh
Layer Eleven: Finish the sentence
I Love: to eat dessert
I Hate: bad people.. those tat pretend to be ur frens type
I Feel: tired coz not enuf sleep... blog till 2.30 am last nite
I Hide: my money in many places :p but being forgetful, can't find back those hidden money
I Need: to go cut my hair today.
Layer Twelve: Tag 5 people
Dunno who to blog leh.... only manage to get 2 names
Elis - can't wait to see your new blog site
Catriena - hope you can let people know more about yourself ;)
Pheww...... Finito.... My very 1st tag (^-^)
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
12:01 am
Labels: Tag
I took leave from 26.02.07 until 01.03.07 except 28.02.07. This is because my company got zone meeting & it's really not to be missed. This time, we had it at the KL Convention Center with the theme Olympic. This is my 1st time to go there, and almost got lost coming out from the building.
We had 6 games and lots of booth counter with prizes to win and also freebies. I got GSC movie voucher, 1 tumbler, note pad, big lolipop candy and lots of food to eat. Buffet lunch was served and there's also buffet dinner. But I skipped the dinner and had it with Gerald (limited time) he he he.....
Games that we had: Budhapest basketball, African Rally, English Tea Relay, Mount climbing, Gymnastic Dance & Singing contest (PS2 games)......
For the above scrap, I used MissMint Playground Pop words, 2Peas Love Me font and Shabby Princess Shabby Mommy Papers.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
1:21 am
This is the 2nd stop in 1U on 27.02.07 for food @ delicious by Ms. Read. Since we are still very full & it's tea time, we only ordered 1 dessert & 2 drinks. As you can see, I ordered the Pavlova again but this time, having it with my dear dear hubby (^-^). The dessert is superb and we finished it even though our stomach have no room left. However, the milk shakes tat we ordered are too sweet for us. It's like drinking sugar water. You can see how Gerald is playing with the milk shake coz not too nice to gulp down. I still think that McD milkshake is better than this and the price is 3 times the McD price. For the above scrap, I used eva sparkling paper, Kath Love Choc tower, ksk designs-grunge city journal, TCO Pretty Enuf alpha and Shabby Princess Kritsty staple & frame.
And since we can't finish the milkshake, this is wat we did with the milkshake to indicate it's too sweet to consume.
My strwberry milkshake
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
2:34 am
Labels: CNY, Food, Gerald Cheryl, Scrapbook
Post Dated CNY blog
We got back from our long KK CNY trip on 25.02.07. Our 2nd day back in KL plan was to head to 1U to feast. This is because while my hubby was away working in Doha, I went out with frens to shop & eat So, when Gerald is back, my target is to bring him to those places with yummy food.
We got up quite early that morning but he was busy checking the car. By the time we got ready, it's already 12 noon. The 1st place we went was the Dragon-i where they serve 'siu loong bao' , 'La Mian' and all kind of chinese food. We were so hungry that we ordered fried rice, 'siu loong bao', Cold pig troter, meat & vege wan ton soup & 1 dim sum. I was so hungry until forgot to take photos of the food and Gerald but to eat when the food was served. End result? Satisfying tummy......
Gerald managed to capture my hungry & greedy look while eating & also the dishes we ordered as below.
For the scrap above, I use mjv tropical dreams kits mixed with Miss Mint Candy fairway journal & jcrowley-greenpint-charm.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
10:56 pm
Labels: CNY, Gerald Cheryl
Thanks to Paper Moons, I manage to do this lovely library card today. Those who want to have a try, can go to her site and read her blog. She also give nice freebies as well.
Since I am still not very familiar with photoshop (just know basic), it took me 2 hours to get this coz I do not have eyelets and big clip. So, I have to modify from existing one to get the right size and effect.
The result? Very satisfying for me.... even now I am still very proud of myself *LOL*. All thanks to Paper Moons
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
12:36 am
Labels: Scrapbook
Been waiting for this race and all of a sudden, RTM 2 decided to cancel the live telecast and postponed until 1am on 16.04.07. Nevertheless, I manage to watch it tru the webcam of my hubby's tv in Doha.... Yup, it's tru MSN webcam and Skype although not very clear, but the sound is vy clear with Gerlad being my broadcast ( ^-^)
This time, Massa have pole position again and Kimi is 3rd with Lewis Hamilton & Alonso 2nd & 4th. So, I am very 'kang cheong' on the start of the race. Scared that Alonso will cut tru Massa & Kimi. Anyhow, Alonso did manage to overtake Kimi to 3rd place but on the 1st pit stop, Kimi is back to 3rd place.
As for hte 2nd pit stop, we are happy too early b4 Lewis pitted. Tot that Ferari will have 1,2 position but Lewis is really good. He manage to over take Kimi and back to 2nd place.
End result was Massa 1st, Hamilton 2nd & Kimi 3rd (Yeah!!!) .... So, wat happen to Alonso.... ke ke ke... he kena over take by Nick Heidfeld and he is 5th place *LOL* I never like him much tat's y so happy....
So, in the end, I am left with eagerness to watch the rerun at 1am but my eyes won't cooperate with me, so, was asleep after 15 mins into the race. Nevertheless, Kimi is tied with Hamilton & Alonso now..... the next race will be very exciting and also 2007 F1 race is more interesting now : )
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
2:24 pm
Labels: F1
One of my favorite food is Chicken Wine. From young till now, I am so eager to have this dish and what I love most is not the chicken but the Muk Yee and the soup *LOL*. This dish is very easy to prepare and can be ready in 1 hour coz I simmer to get the chicken taste out since I dun fancy the meat much :p. And today I decided to cook with Mee Suah and have it as dinner.... Yummy.....And here is the recipe ;)
Note : All the ingredients can be varied according o personal satisfaction.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
10:54 pm
I love Chinese New Year alot. Not just because of the ang pow (used to get) but also because Yee Sang will be available throughout the month. There is alot of type available now, with the most common is the 7 Choy Yee Sang ( 7 color yee sang) and to the most expensive Abalone Yee Sang. But my favourite is the Suet Li Yee Sang. I love the fresh taste of the pear that replace the radish and sengkuang.
So, how many rounds of Yee Sang did I had? Let's see .....
So, all together I had 5 rounds of Yee Sang. Yummylicious ..... Can't wait for next year now
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
9:38 am
Labels: CNY, Festive Seasons, Food, Scrapbook
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
4:12 pm
Labels: General
Today marks the 1st year of departure of my beloved grandpa. I would like to dedicate this day to him. My Gong Gong is the best ever grandpa one could have. He loves the 3 of us so much and never one moment that he didn't show his love to us from young till he left us on 9.4.06.
Granpa, we miss u very much and you will always in our hearts. Love from all of us .....
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
1:00 am
Yes, today is Easter! A day to celebrate for the Lord has risen. I dedicate todays blog to my church, Eleventh Mile Cheras Lutheran Church, EMCLC.
Christian all over the world are celebrating this great news with joyful heart after the Good Friday where the Lord was crucified and died for us, so that we can be forgiven of our sin and able to go to heaven.
Today my church is celebrating Easter with Joyful worship, followed by angelic songs from Harmony Choir and Easter message by Rev. Dr. Lee Yip Mun.After the worships, we have Tea Fellowship at the church compound where roast pork, salted vege and congee was served with eggs.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
6:37 pm
Labels: Festive Seasons, Scrapbook