Christmas post
I was so busy in December until no time to go into Pavilion to snap up the Christmas decos. Finally, on 29th Dec 07 I managed to drag Gerald down to Pavilion to window shop & also to snap the photos. It is indeed vy beautiful & in fact, the deco is better than those in Singapore (indoor decorations).
Pavilion's theme is a White Christmas coz everywhere is white. They have this huge center piece high white Christmas tree that is made of scaffolding & stair way where the choirs 'entwined' the tree to sing the Christmas Carol (didn't manage to see but it was in the news). Everywhere in the mall is decorated with white chandelier that looks like icicles, icy white trees & white christmas trees.... It is really cool to look at *wink* & you feel the winter in Pavilion
I enjoyed myself totally in snapping photos of the tress in different angles, trying to get some artistic angle with my small T10 & here's some photos from Pavilion :
I love the stairs at the center court. I feel like I am somewhere in Europe when sitting at the stairs (saw the place at Lizzie Mcguire movie).... really a good place to lepak with a book in my hand. Here's some of my favourite photos:
This shows the escalator that brings you from lower ground to the top most floor.

The crystal white tree from the bottom view

A view of Pavilion main entrance from top most floor.
don't forget the food court. thinking of it makes me mouth water...
Dear : Won't forget lar... it's going to be in another post. Now need to rush for Christmas decos 1st :p
very cool pics.
i didn't get the chance to go down to Pavilion during Christmas and cool that i get to see the deco here :)
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