(Credits & details here)
This year's Christmas is very special for me because Gerald is back & we're going to Singapore to enjoy the Christmas Holiday & celebrate with his Aunts and my friends. It has always been my wish to celebrate a Christmas in Singapore together, eating, shopping & sightseeing.
We went down to Singapore on the 23rd Dec 2007 and stayed at WJ's place (thanks alot!!!) for most of the day except on Christmas Eve. We went over to Aunty Dinah's (Gerald's aunt) place for a Christmas Eve dinner & over nite there for 1 nite (they welcome us to stay but we scared to kacau them coz we are nite owl).
The dinner was great and I must say, this is the first time I have seen a whole stuff turkey and eaten a proper Christmas meal *blush*. We love the ham, turkey & the lamb. It is really a wonderful dinner (Thank you Uncle David, Aunty Dinah & Dora for the dinner!) .

On Christmas morning, we follow Uncle David & Aunty Dinah to their church (Wesley Methodist Church) for Christmas Service. We were WOWed by the church building (especially the interior design of the main service hall) then by their choir. The service was great & we love the choir best (it's like listening to the cd christmas choir singing the christmas carol). After the service, we went to Orchard to walk & meet up with my cousin
Here's some photo taken during the service showing the choir, the brass band, the church deco & Gerald with his uncle and aunt.
My favorite photo - the arches in the main hall
It's late now and this is only my 1st post for my holiday in Singapore. Another part of Christmas holiday to be continued....
wow. nice account of the things we did. nice pictures also. mum and dad would love to see this... well done dear.
wah the church vy nice huh
very nicely built church!!
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