Congratulations to Eva & Thomas on their wedding today!!! (26.01.2008) This is another long awaited wedding that I am eagerly volunteer to help with. Eva is my baptism class buddy since 2004 & one of the few I interact with at the English congregation at 11th Mile Cheras Lutheran Church (I am a vy shy person, u know). When she say she & Thomas are getting married Jan this year & she dunno wat to prepare, I am so eager to give suggestions & help out on the deco part in the church plus the design for the church pamphlet & lend her my ring pillow. You can see there's lot of violet color coz it's Eva's fav. I even changed the ribbon on the ring pillow to violet ;)
Photos description (top to bottom) : Guest book & pamphlet; wedding cake (baked by Eva's sis); Eva; decos for the seats ; me & Eva; ring pillow & Eva's flower bouquet (Lily is her fav flower) ; Eva with Bishop Philip Lok & Mrs. Lok (our fav pastor).
Main photo : Thomas kissing the beautiful bride, Eva.... background is our Chinese Congregation pastor & also Sr. Pastor of our church, Rev. Lee (another fav pastor)
Hi Cheryl! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving some love... I decided to track you down and say hi. I'm so glad my blog touched you - I dedicated it to the Lord when I first began. I look forward to visiting you in the future. I see that you too, hold marriage in high esteem.
warmly, Barb (Mrs. Miles)
i know it is cheesy of me to say this but... i just had to. hahaha... here goes. Thomas, Eva... Welcome to the club. LOL. God bless. nice work dear. almost can match ours... :p
Congratulations to Eva & Thomas!
very nice of you to offer your help to the bride.
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