I had a real long break from scrapping & blogging, hence, more backdated post. Since Gerald is back for his home leave from 19th March - 2th April, my daily actvities has been packed from morning till evening ( work + going out after work) except during our 5 days trip back to Kota Kinabalu. During these 5 days (22nd - 26th March), I slept the most (morning, noon, evening, night, you give me any chance of sitting still, I can sleep *LOL*, so I am mostly pigging out in KK).
It so happened that on the 2nd day in KK, it is the Easter Sunday. Nothing special but it's my first time celebrate Easter in Inanam Basel Church and the service is mostly in Hakka *not a language that I can understand well*, so, it's truely eye opening ... coz they sang mostly from the hymns and they got this big choir and practically everyone know his family.

They even have this special service after the main service, whereby the church members with the childrens will go out to housing area to spread the news of Jesus resurrection by giving out Easter Egg. I didn't join coz I need to go to the Gaya Street in town to get some pearls for my colik but my darling niece, Ashley and my MIL took part in the Easter Egg.
Night time, we have pot luck dinner with Gerald's fren and we (actually MIL) cook oven baked chicken wing, which is delicious... I did took some photos, but no time to process it yet :p, will upload in the future if I got time lar.....
PS: Gerald's fren house is soooooo big... if u ask me to use a floor mops to mop the floor, I think I will pengsan or maybe it will take me 1 whole day just to mop the whole bungalow.
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