Backdated post
More backdated post thanks to my laziness but hopefully, I can really back on track soon. I had a yearly reunion kind of thing with one of my BBGS gang plus a college fren juz before CNY. Since it's so hard to gather everyone, really a big thanks to Chew Ping to take the initiaves to get us together this time for dim sum brunch at Imbi Palace. As usual, when a bunch of girls meet up, there's alot of talk...... & we really can talk and eat at the same time *GIRLS mah :p *
Here's some of the food we ordered :

hmm i can only recognise violet, jiun lin & chew ping hahaha.....
MMMM, Cheryl, the food looks too yummy - and I believe my husband and I have eaten the second dish pictured here? Would this be possible if we ate it for Dim Sum? Your photos have me so hungry, even though we just spent a weekend of eating Easter treats! It looks like you had a good time at your reunion, thanks for sharing it with us readers.
girls gathering, eat and talk... one word - FUN!
loads of it!
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