Wednesday, September 05, 2007

House Improvement

This is a sponsered post
Me & Gerald has come to an agreement on getting our house a little improvement or you can call it some replacement for the defective area where we neglect it previously (deem unimportant to my hubby). The first thing to be upgrade is the WC in our room coz it's defective & dun work wat it should. Second to go is the white ant attack bath door at the ground floor & I am hoping to get those foldable door. We need to install the gutter coz everytime it rains zoo, it's like mini waterfall with the impact of Niagara fall (imagine ur car is the lake). Thats about it, so far. Oh, has anyone heard about Double glazing ? I found this trustable Home Improvements in the net that provide your every need. Good for my friends in UK. As for us, we are getting Gerald's friend to do all the above improvement.