Monday, January 29, 2007
Qatar Shopping Mall
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
9:01 pm
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Shaun Shaun
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
10:07 pm
Ashley Voo - The Flower Girl

There's nothing much to update on myself, so I decided to blog about Gerald's big brother's daughter - Ashley Voo. At just 9 years old, she had been flower girls for many times. And out of these, I was present at the 3 weddings....
The very first time I met her was in Dec, 2002. The first time I follow Gerald back to his hometown, Kota Kinabalu to attend his late grandmother's 100th birthday. So happen that his cousin, Stella's wedding was on 27.12.02 and Ashley is the flower girl.
The 2nd time is Gerald's 2nd brother's wedding on 25.08.04. I went back to KK with my parent as well..... Meeting the in-laws for the 1st time to discuss our wedding.
The 3rd time is my own wedding ceremony. Since Ashley had been flower girl for so many times, I've booked her in advane.... he he, she was very eager to be my flower girl. So, I bought the flower girl dress for her. Since my theme for the wedding is green, I hunt for the green color dress. Finally found it at the Flower Girl shop in 1U. She look lovely and cute in the dress....
Well, you must be wondering if she enjoys being flower girl. I can say 100% she enjoyed it. She is very interested in beautify herself.... She loves pretty clothes and being dolled up as well. So, I always buy clothes for her whenever I can.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
7:42 pm
Monday, January 22, 2007
Gerald's Pick
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
9:07 pm
Labels: Gerald Cheryl, Scrapbook
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Ariel's Birthday
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
2:40 am
School Friend's Wedding
Cindy (bride) & I were friend since Form 6 @ St. John's Institution and we attended the same university as well (UPMT). She met Seng Meng (groom) at the uni.
Top left : Lee Moi, Yi Ai, Myself
Top bottom : Sam, Myself
Right : Myself, Seng Meng, Cindy
Took the photo with W800i.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
2:27 am
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
2 bad news in 1 day
Today is really not my day. As I am writting this, I am on the verge of crying for 2nd round.
1st Bad News
No internet access from yesterday onward for Gerald in the office. That means, no chatting with Gerald via Yahoo, MSN or Skype. When I got this news, I still ok with it. At least he is coming back to KL during CNY for 14days and get a laptop (coz he got internet access @ apartment)
2nd Bad News
Got this in the evening. Gerald emailed me, telling me that the company cut the Home Leave from 14days (start on the departure date) to 10days. 10 days is only 9 days and 8 night for me to be with him due to time differences, Doha back to KL will loose 1 day. By the time I read the memo, I started to sob quietly as I can't let my parents know about this.
He has been there since October 2006 and delayed his Home Leave for Chinese New Year. But now, I feel so sad. Why the company is so bad. Sigh....
The only thing I can do is, blog it out , at least I feel better. Blogging it here just like telling my closest friend and feels like she is listening.
The memo content is as below (copy it out):
Dear All,
Chinese New Year falls on the 18th Feb 07. With the advent of the work progress moving into high gear, it's imperative that we maintain the momentum throoughout this holiday season.
We too empathize (bullshit) that most of us would want to soend quality time with their family back home esp it being an auspicious period however, it's also important tat our commitment towards our client is not compromised.
In this aspect the management are left with no other option but to limit this leave period during this time to only 10days (why they dun limit the leave during the raya? so unfair to the chinese). Although it is a difficult decision but we believe this is the right option to ensure that both personal and professional responsibility is not compromised or jeopardized.
We urge everyone to re-plan their leaves for this CNY to suit the work exigencies as well as your personal requirements to maintain a harmonious balance between the two.
We believe tat full cooperation will be extended to us.(kena con to work with this company)
I am sure some of you will think, 10 days is better than none. But to me, I rather not have 10days at all. To see 9days and 8 nights and separate again is worst than to not see until come back for good. The feeling of meeting and separate again is too much to bear.
Maybe for those really strong will ladies, they can. As for me, I can't.
All I can do now is wait and hope for the best when his manager come back from Home Leave. Until then, I will not have any good night sleep and definately not looking forward to the Chinese New Year. Bad luck seems to follow me since 2005.
I already lost my beloved grandfather, for the 2007 Chinese New Year & now, Gerald's absence .....
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
10:55 pm
Labels: Cheryl
Monday, January 15, 2007
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
12:00 am
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Company Treasure Hunt
We depart on 1-12-06 nite from BAT by coach and reached the jetty in the morning on 2-12-06. The hunt started at 9.30am and finished at 3pm. We are divided into team of 4 and my team is Team 6. We have to drive all over the island to look for clues and hte best part is, they are doing the Amazing race style. So, we got stuck at Oriental Village looking for clues and answer. But we manage to finish it by around 2pm. We didn't win anything but I m lucky to get a lucky draw prize (MP3 headphone).
After that, I checked into the hotel room (Holiday Villa) with my room mate, Poh Lin and we went out at 4pm to Kuah town with Mei Yin, Wai Teng, Gajana to get some souveniers. As for me, my goal is to buy chocolates. Lots & lots of dark chocolates.
Later that nite, we had dinner. It was tiring and both of us slept around 11pm. We have to check out at 10am & depart to the jetty (another round of shopping).
It's a bit rush, but I had a great time there. Planning to go with Gerald in June for our long awaited honeymoon cum 2nd yr anniversary.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
11:24 am
Sunday, January 07, 2007
My dear dear's latest photo
I am so happy today. Gerald emailed me his latest photo in Doha that was taken on Friday at The Corniche. So, after chatting with him at 12am, I decided to do a scrapbook by using this photo and mine tat was self taken in Singapore on Christmas day.
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
9:18 pm
Monday, January 01, 2007
1st attempt on baking
Well, it's the new year and I've decided to try something new today. Making cream puff with Gerald's nieces. Went to Giant to get the ingredients : Flour, Double action baking powder, butter, milk, eggs, custard powder.
We started off quite well, just 2 hiccups on the process due to not having proper tools (piping bag). Instead of piping bag, we use the normal plastic bag. It burst quite a few time :p
Here's the outcome, looks delicious, taste delicious too ;)
Posted by
Cheryl Leong
8:23 pm